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Andrew Cullen

Barrister (Senior Associate)



+44 (0)330 045 2176


Following his call to the Bar in 2013, Andrew has built up a demanding practice across the education, civil, health and government sectors within the firm. With experience spanning personal injury, professional and clinical negligence through to employment, Andrew’s burgeoning practice means that he brings a fresh approach to cases in which he is instructed.

In 2020, Andrew represented a school at a high-profile inquest which involved the tragic death of a young girl who died in the River Irwell in Bury, and he also represented the school during the subsequent judicial review proceedings.

A significant aspect of Andrew’s practice is within the regulatory sector. Andrew frequently prosecutes teachers and is routinely instructed in complex multi-day hearings, hearings which involve historic sexual abuse allegations, acutely vulnerable witnesses, and cases involving financial and exam malpractice. 

Andrew also has a developing practice of appellate work in the Upper Tribunal. He has recently been involved in two significant appeals:

  • Acting for the Respondent in an appeal which concerned the interface between the Equality Act 2010 and Children and Families Act 2014 in SEN appeal hearings (RB v Calderdale MBC (SEN) [2022] UKUT 136 (AAC))
  • Acting for the Appellant in an appeal which concerned the application of Schedule 13 EQA 10 to section 20 EQA 10 reasonable adjustments claims (A Multi Academy Trust v RR [2024] UKUT 9 (AAC)). 

Featured experience

TRA v Aydin Onac

Successful prosecution of a teacher for setting unlawful grade requirements for pupils moving from Year 12 to Year 13.

TRA v Martin Miles

Successful prosecution of a teacher for sexually motivated behaviour towards a male pupil in 1990s.

TRA v Glawdys Leger

Successful prosecution of a teacher for inappropriate comments made about the LGBT community.

TRA v Sally-Anne Bowen

Successful prosecution of a teacher for having a sexual relationship with a male pupil in the 1990s.
