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Kelsey Richardson

Trainee Solicitor



+44 (0)330 045 2216


Kelsey is a trainee solicitor, currently working in the Public Law team.

She previously spent 2 years as a legal assistant in our Health Advisory & Inquests team. During that time, she drafted various Court of Protection applications under the streamlined Re X process, as well as s.16 and s.21a of the Mental Capacity Act. Kelsey built an array of strong relationships with our health clients, including ICBs, Acute Trusts, Mental Health Trusts and local authorities, across the UK.

Kelsey underwent a 6 month secondment with one of our local NHS mental health Trusts. Working closely with the Trust legal team to finalise various inquest reports, respond to general legal enquiries and push forward the Trust’s court of protection cases.

Kelsey has extensive experience working with vulnerable people and victims of modern slavery, having previously been an intelligence officer in an arms-length body of the Home Office.

Kelsey is a member of the Nottinghamshire Junior Lawyers Division and is currently undertaking her 2nd year on the committee. Both internal, external and aspiring junior lawyers are encouraged to get in touch about networking events.

Featured Experience

An NHS Mental Health Trust

6 Month Secondment to the Trust’s legal team, dealing primarily with inquests and managing of Court of Protection cases.

An Acute NHS Trust

Kelsey undertook a 6 week secondment, assisting the complaints and PALS team, by collating information from internal investigations and responding to complainants. 

An NHS Commissioning Body

A patient with learning difficulties required a transfer to a new placement due to their needs not being met and the placement being placed under investigation. Supported the Commissioning Body through a period of interim care and advised on detail needed for a Court approved move to a new appropriate placement.

An NHS Mental Health Trust

A patient with agoraphobia required ultrasound scans and a plan for delivering her baby. Supported the Trust to prepare a care plan and evidence for a Court of Protection application to convey the patient to hospital for tests and scans in pregnancy and to undertake a caesarean section to deliver her baby.
