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Counter fraud for insurance

Fraud can affect any business or organisation. Insurers often cover such losses but many are self-insured. We represent insurers, businesses, public sector bodies and intermediaries in investigating, defending and prosecuting fraudulent claims.

We combine our legal expertise with in-house intelligence capability and the forensic know-how of trusted specialists. We advise insurers on policy coverage and validate suspect claims, but where fraud is identified, robustly challenge and defend claims, through litigation where necessary.

Our success lies in our tried and tested strategy, which leads to early strike out, discontinuances, or findings of fundamental dishonesty saving clients millions of pounds and allowing them to recover their costs.

Where insurers’ decisions are challenged through the Financial Ombudsman Service we assist and represent insurers’ interests in defending their decisions.

Where claimants don’t recognise the error of their ways, prosecution is the only deterrent. We’ve secured the convictions of many parties who have abused the Court process to further their false and misleading claims, leading to prison sentences, criminal records and significant costs orders.

We operate nationally across all five UK offices and have experience in fraudulent claims including financial loss, cyber-attacks, arson, theft, property damage, clinical negligence and personal injury.

What we do...

  • Expert insurance lawyers – we advise on financial loss (including property damage, theft and arson) claims as well as grossly exaggerated or fraudulent claims for personal injury and clinical negligence. Our work covers defending complex fraud rings, staged, induced and bogus accidents and financial claims fraud and advising on policy indemnity in first party commercial claims.
  • Intelligence professionals – our work is underpinned by specialist investigatory resources and leading intelligence professionals.
  • Our Intercept counter fraud products - our range of counter fraud products offers a fixed fee bespoke fraud investigation and validation service. It allows clients to investigate suspicious activity and identify key protagonists, linked parties and location of assets.
  • Protecting your assets - we investigate fraud losses, and secure recovery of assets and investigation costs through enforcement; and in litigation defend robustly all tainted or suspected fraudulent claims, and secure and recover assets and costs.
  • Full counter fraud solution - we manage all matters for clients which include investigations, deterrence and disruption measures with police and enforcement agencies, asset recovery, enforcement and prosecution.

Featured experience

Successfully identified a fraud ring operation

Successfully identified a fraud ring operation arising out of motor trade policies. Including fictitious and staged accidents multiple parties orchestrated in significant value claims and peripheral alleged financial losses in the credit hire and vehicle loss and damage claims. Our fraud intelligence and background investigations defined a fraud strategy which following litigation in all cases, closed down the fraud operation and businesses concerned.

Pre-trial discontinuances

Secured pre-trial discontinuances on employers’ liability and public liability claims based on evidence obtained in questions to experts and through disclosure applications which were originally resisted.

Third party costs order

Secured a third party costs order against a law firm which handled false claims, and was accused of forging medical reports and perverting the course of justice.

High-value vehicle theft claim

Defended a challenge to repudiation by insurer of a high-value vehicle theft claim with the Financial Ombudsman leading to significant savings.

Related expertise

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