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We pride ourselves on helping you to do what is fundamentally right for your pupils/students and organisation. Always ahead of the curve, we provide fresh ideas and out of the box thinking to ensure that your organisation is prepared, and able to take advantage of sector developments and opportunities. As part of our broader range of support of insightful and experimental development programmes we launched an executive coaching service for our clients to deliver on this commitment.

Coaching is a powerful method of ensuring people achieve to their full potential. All too often, coaching is only proposed when there is a specific issue to be addressed and an individual has asked for (or has been advised to get) support. Coaching can be so much more than this.  

Coaching can help leaders to find the space and time to prioritise, re-energise and to reflect on what they have learnt, how they see the future for their organisation and the opportunities and risks the broader landscape presents. 

Our coaching service is ideal for:

  • CEOs and trust leaders who want to ensure that they’re working to their full potential and want clarification on their priorities;
  • CEO/trust leader designates as part of their development journey;
  • new trustees who are experienced in other sectors but are new to education and want to quickly get to grips with their new role; and
  • Chairs of Trustees - particularly prior to periods of significant change. 

Our team of coaches includes individuals from a variety of backgrounds with a range of coaching styles so we are confident that you will be able to find a suitable match to your requirements.

We have a range of offers we have designed for the sector which you can access below. If you wanted to discuss a bespoke programme, please do contact one of the team.

Podcast #EdInfluence - in conversation with inspiring leaders
Colin Catherall Head of School at Acre Hall, Bright Futures Educational Trust
“Coaching really helped me to gain a deeper understanding of my own beliefs, values and passion for doing what I do so that I can continue to improve outcomes for the children in my care."

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