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In the information age, the value of your reputation is more important than ever. Misleading or inaccurate content relating to you or your organisation on the internet can permanently and unfairly damage your reputation.

For businesses, winning and retaining customers is increasingly competitive and competitors' advertising strategies are more aggressive. You need to be able to effectively safeguard your organisation’s reputation, responding to threats to it without it costing the earth. For educational, health and other institutions, management of online content has become an essential aspect of public service. The power of social media requires rapid responses and a wrong move can cause long-lasting damage.

Equally, your relationship with the press and relevant content providers requires careful management, so that when a story breaks or a press enquiry is received, you already have the appropriate strategies in place to best handle the situation.

Both the legal and technological fields are constantly developing. You need a team of lawyers who understand both and can use both to safeguard your commercial reputation, whether that be by working alongside your media and communications consultants or advising you directly. Our expert team is experienced in acting swiftly and effectively in those moments, to manage communications and to take robust legal action where appropriate.

What we do...

  • Clients - we act for national and international clients, including private and public sector bodies, businesses including major brand owners and individuals (often the key stakeholders in those organisations).
  • Sector knowledge – we utilise specialist sector knowledge and are able to take a sensitive approach to the reputation of organisations within different markets.
  • Specialists - we have dedicated reputation management and defamation experts across our national office network, as well as being able to draw on wider team of specialists with a range of skills.
  • Experience at all stages of the process - providing pre-publication advice, advice on claims, early resolution, and litigation at Court to seek/defend claims for injunctions and damages.
  • Flexible and practical solutions – we’re able to find solutions to your problems through non-traditional avenues which include intellectual property rights, data protection, confidentiality, SEO or regulatory approaches.
  • New media – we understand the challenges of the internet and new media.
  • Added value - we respond to these challenges by offering practical and cost-efficient advice, from a fixed fee initial consultation to specialist training in defamation, reputation management and privacy. We provide dedicated email contact groups, so that we can respond swiftly to you when a story breaks, to advise on the most appropriate responsive strategy from the start.

Featured experience

Comparative advertising issues

Advising on comparative advertising issues requiring a cross disciplinary approach taking into account legal issues, including consumer protection regulations, confidentiality and trade mark law, plus technical product knowledge.

Press articles containing defamatory remarks

Advising on press articles containing defamatory remarks, providing swift, decisive and robust action in dealing with press editors and legal teams, often at very short notice, so as to minimise damage to clients.

Schools and academies

Advising on reputation management for schools and academies, which involves consideration of the legal limitations on public spending on such issues.

Retailers and public authorities

Advising on claims made against retailers and public authorities following release of potentially sensitive data, including defamation, third party disclosure and subject access rights, breach of regulation, and privacy.
