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Modern slavery is the world's second largest form of organised crime and a growing challenge thanks to a mix of armed conflict, climate change and the global pandemic. 

The Modern Slavery Act requires in scope organisations to produce, sign, and make public a slavery and human trafficking statement every year that sets out the steps that were taken the previous year to combat modern slavery in the organisation and also its supply chains.



Addressing modern slavery in practice

Sadly, severe human exploitation is a very real and longstanding issue in many parts of modern society. All organisations must be vigilant to the risks in order to spot warning signs early and manage cases compassionately and within the limitations of the law. In this short video we highlight some of the things to look out for and signpost to helpful resources. If you’d like to discuss your obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, please get in touch

Watch the video

The legal requirements can apply to organisations based outside the UK aswell as to those in the UK. We can help. We are experienced on: 

  • advising whether an organisarion is required to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement or not 
  • the content of a statement 
  • how to publish a statement 

Our experience since the Modern Slavery Act first became law has enabled us to develop a suite of templates, available at a fixed charge, to help clients comply with their legal duties while controlling costs. 

We advise a diverse range of organisations in the public and private sectors including some of the world's leading brands. 

The global nature of modern supply chains and complex organisational structures can make 
complying with the Modern Slavery Act challenging. 

Frequently asked questions

A: Modern Slavery is the term used to encapsulate the crimes of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; and human trafficking (whether the person knew they were trafficked or not).

Introduction to the Modern Slavery Act

Guide to the Modern Slavery Act

A: Any organisation wherever located that supplies goods or services in the UK and has a turnover of at least 拢36 million a year. Turnover includes that of subsidiaries. Wherever they are located.

Modern Slavery and the NHS supply chain

'Commercial organisations' analysis

Proposed changes to section 54

  • The organisation's structure, its business and its supply chains 
  • The organisation's policies and processes to prevent slavery and human trafficking
  • Areas where there's a risk of slavery and human trafficking in the organisation and its supply chains
  • What the organisation has done to assess and manage that risk 
  • How effective the organisation's slavery measures have been 
  • Details of staff training 

Guide to the Modern Slavery Act

Guide to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act

Reporting obligations

Your risks and duties as the next deadline approaches

A:  Keep it on your homepage accessible via a prominent link. Interested stakeholders should be able to monitor the progress of the organisaion over time.

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