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Trade secrets and confidential information lawyers

The best protection is a good system with both legal and technical measures put in place to protect trade secrets. We’ve worked on leading cases and have the experience you need to protect your rights.

Our success is built on long-lasting relationships with clients that trust us. We have an excellent track record of delivering the straightforward commercial advice and exceptional client service that our clients want.

We understand that, sometimes, confidential information has to be shared, particularly in collaboration or development agreements. We can draft agreements that appropriately identify and protect your information and we can ensure the policies and frameworks you build are appropriate and proportionate for your business.

Importantly, our track-record speaks for itself. We’re proud to be recognised as “a go-to firm for heavyweight IP matters by clients” and ranked by World Trademark Review, Managing Intellectual Property and IAM Patent 1000, as well as Chambers and Legal 500 directories.

As well as helping businesses with complex intellectual property claims, we are co-founders of an international network of independent law firms, Pangea Net, a non-exclusive network operating in 25 countries – and our reach extends well beyond that.

Featured experience

A manufacturing sector client

Managing a discovery and destruction exercise for a client in the manufacturing sector whose ex-employees had appropriated confidential information.

A software company

Defending a software company against allegations of breach of confidence in the High Court.

An automotive tier supply

Helping an automotive tier supply protect its confidential information in a series of complex collaboration agreements.

An energy sector company

Successfully defending an individual and his company in the energy sector against an alleged breach of confidence, including successfully defeating an application for anonymity.


Frequently asked questions

A trade secret is confidential business information that gives a company a competitive advantage and isn't publicly known. It can include formulas, processes, or designs kept secret to maintain their value. Protecting trade secrets involves strict confidentiality measures and legal agreements to prevent unauthorised disclosure or use.

Trade secrets are protected through legal agreements like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and restricted access in the company. Security measures such as encryption, password protection, and limited physical access also help safeguard trade secrets.

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