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School admissions and admissions appeals

All academies and schools must ensure their admissions arrangements are Code compliant. Given the complexities and vagaries of the Admissions Code and the Admission Appeals code, you may need expert advice to help you.

Getting it wrong can lead to a challenge from the Schools Adjudicator, the local authority or parental complaints to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and in the worst cases, having to admit significantly more pupils than you had planned.

Our experience and expertise means we provide you with immediate and expert advice on any issue relating to admissions or appeals quickly and effectively.

Our expert admissions lawyers have extensive experience of advising schools on admissions arrangements and supporting them with appeals. Whether you need to change your admission arrangements, respond to the Schools Adjudicator, challenge the local authority on admission requests for looked after children or under the Fair Access Protocol, or simply want support managing appeals on the day, we’re here to help you.

What we do...

  • Admissions compliance鈥- advising on changes to admissions arrangements to ensure compliance with the Code.
  • Supporting you through admission appeals鈥- focusing on all aspects of admission appeals including advice and support, drafting your prejudice statement and acting as presenting officer or clerking appeals.
  • Advising schools on Fair Access Protocol and in-year admissions - including local authority requests relating to looked after children.
  • Supporting schools when faced with鈥痯arental complaints鈥痶o the EFA.
  • Supporting schools faced with鈥痮bjections to admission arrangements - following the involvement of the Schools Adjudicator.
  • Bespoke training鈥- training panel clerks and appeal panel members.
  • Providing advice on collaboration鈥- to support joint admission appeal arrangements.

Featured experience

Presenting officer

Acting as presenting officer at admission appeals for multiple primary and secondary academies.

Changes to admissions

Advising academies and schools on changes to admissions arrangements to ensure they are code compliant.

Fair Access Protocol

Successfully challenging a local authority鈥檚 approach to placements under the Fair Access Protocol.

Collaborative approach to admission appeals

Working with five academies to assist them in establishing a collaborative approach to admission appeals and move away from local authority services. We put in place a framework within which appeals could operate as well as assistance in selecting clerks and training panel members.

Related expertise

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